15 Powerful Shifts To Help You Reconnect With Your Authentic Self (HavingTime.com Feature)

reconnect with your authentic self

15 Powerful Shifts to reconnect with your authentic self

 (Having Time Feature)

"For years I lived my life based on what other people would think of me. It affected all parts of my life from where I want to college, to the jobs I chose, the quality of my relationships, activities that I participated in, and even what foods that I ate.

It’s no surprise that I turned into a bland, watered-down version of myself and felt completely lost. After battling depression and a general unhappiness with my life, I decided enough was enough.

I began taking a journal of every time I chose to do something I didn’t genuinely want to do. Once I created this awareness, I was able to make different choices. I found clarity on who I was as a person, my confidence grew, and I began to embrace who I truly was.

You were born to be you, not someone else. "

Check out these 15 Powerful Shifts To Help You Reconnect With Your Authentic Self HERE. 

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Erica Carrico

About Erica

Erica Carrico is an International Life Purpose Coach, world traveler, adventure seeker, free spirit, and mommy of 2. 

Through coaching services, speaking, and writing, Erica helps holistic & spiritual professionals who are frustrated and stuck in the wrong career, discover their life purpose and start a soul-aligned business so they can finally earn a living doing what they absolutely love. What they were put on earth to do. 

Erica has a BS in Psychology, an MS in Nonprofit Management, life and career coaching certifications, 12+ years experience in business leadership and international recruitment, built a fully-booked soul-aligned business within a year, has traveled through over 50 different countries, and is obsessed with helping thousands of people all around the world live lives full of passion, purpose, freedom, and adventure. 

To follow more of Erica’s work, you can find her hanging out on FACEBOOKINSTAGRAM, and LINKED IN.