Struggling To Find Your Life Purpose?

what is my life purpose

Struggling To Find Your Life Purpose?

Clients come to me not really knowing what their life purpose is, but they feel a strong sense of longing to uncover it. Usually it’s right underneath their noses, they just need a bit of direction and clarity to bring their life purpose to the light.

What is a life purpose anyway?

Your life purpose is the underlying foundation and message of your life. As Marsha Bench explains, "life purpose can essentially be divided into two parts (1) the essence, which is relatively unchanged over one's life, and (2) the expression, which changes as life circumstances change.

As we grow and change, we will likely refine the way we state the expression portion, but the fundamental theme, the essence, carries across your entire life from birth until death. Your life purpose is expressed through everything such as childhood relationships, the major you chose in college, career paths you’ve taken, through raising a family, sending our children out into the world on their own, retirement, and beyond."

So how do you figure out what your life purpose is?

We often believe we will find our purpose through external searching, when in reality, you’ll only truly find your life purpose in the quiet of your heart and in the stillness of your mind.

Remove the noise and chaos of busyness, the food fog, the cloud of distractions in your life. The alcohol, the caffeine (ok maybe not this one), the sugar. With a clear body comes a clear mind, with a clear mind you can tune into your heart, the divine spirit, your intuition, your soul, your spirit, your calling. Stop trying to force, push, and be busy all the time. Sit in stillness and listen.

An exercise I have my clients do

I have my clients take 10-15 minutes each day and sit outside in nature, or if it’s too cold, sit at a window looking out into nature. Grab yourself a beautiful cup of tea or a coffee and just sit, gaze at the trees blowing in the wind, watch the clouds, be in awe of the stars, connect with the moon, get lost in your thoughts, and dream. It’s amazing what begins to come to us in such short amounts of time once we give ourselves permission to just be.

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Start to notice the underlying themes of your life, think about the decisions you’ve made along the way. You will begin to see patterns, and by tapping into your intuition and what you feel in your heart, can put a finger on what your life purpose is.

Here's an example

My life has always had the underlying theme of helping people. Growing up I had such a compassion and empathy for people and animals. I cried for months after watching a movie where someone died, and seeing a stray dog on the side of the road absolutely devastated me. I felt a strong connection to the earth, and knew I was here to make a difference – to really help bring happiness to the world somehow.

I chose to major in Psychology, spent hundreds of hours volunteering in youth shelters, domestic violence escape houses, and homeless shelters. I ended up choosing a career in recruitment because I wanted to help people find jobs they love.

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After 5 years I experienced complete corporate burnout because my job really wasn't about helping people at all - it was focused on making money for a company that already had millions.  No thank you. I decided to get my Masters in Nonprofit Management to be able to run organizations that were solely focused on making a difference in the world. I spent over 7 years as a nonprofit executive and was able to help tens of thousands of people which made my heart feel full.

I loved my career so much because it was truly in alignment with what I was put on earth to do. Work never felt like work to me. I would hear people talking about dreading Mondays all the time, and after experiencing my corporate burnout, I knew how awful that felt.

I felt a strong calling to do something about it, and actually guide others into careers and businesses they absolutely love. So, here I am now! Expressing my purpose through coaching others to live theirs.

life purpose statement

Once you consistently spend time alone with your thoughts, you’ll begin to see patterns in your life and will be able to write out a life purpose statement. Having this written down on paper gives you clarity and direction, and will assist you when working towards moving into a career or business that you love.

Write it down

Here’s an example - my life purpose statement is "To elevate the consciousness of humanity by being a guide for awakening souls who are here to be of service - to guide them to unveil their true purpose and live the life they were destined to live, so they are able to do their part of bringing love and light into the world. I'm here to pursue peace and love in all of my relationships, and teach my children to seek harmony, and to love and embrace themselves for everything they are."

So start spending some time outside each day getting lost in your thoughts, and then work towards writing your life purpose statement. I hope this was helpful for you!

Love and light,

Erica xx

P.S. Please share this post to help out our fellow purpose seekers! xx

Frustrated and stuck in the wrong career?

Ready to find your life's purpose and start a business that's in alignment with what you were put on earth to do?

Watch my FREE Career Masterclass to find your life purpose and start planning your escape!!

Erica Carrico

About Erica

Erica Carrico is an International Life Purpose Coach, world traveler, adventure seeker, free spirit, and mommy of 2. 

Through coaching services, speaking, and writing, Erica helps holistic & spiritual professionals who are frustrated and stuck in the wrong career, discover their life purpose and start a soul-aligned business so they can finally earn a living doing what they absolutely love. What they were put on earth to do. 

Erica has a BS in Psychology, an MS in Nonprofit Management, life and career coaching certifications, 12+ years experience in business leadership and international recruitment, built a fully-booked soul-aligned business within a year, has traveled through over 50 different countries, and is obsessed with helping thousands of people all around the world live lives full of passion, purpose, freedom, and adventure. 

To follow more of Erica’s work, you can find her hanging out on FACEBOOKINSTAGRAM, and LINKED IN.