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Mindset is the KEY to Success!

I'm giving you my number one success tip in this week's video! I grew my soul-aligned business to multi-six figures in just under two years.

Of course, strategy is a huge part of success in business, but what most people don't realize, is that mindset is even more important! The richest people on the planet all agree.... strategy is 20% of the work, mindset is 80%.

Without the right mindset, strategy will only get you so far.

Mindset work is constant, but there's ONE THING I've done from the beginning of my business (and still do!), and it's one of the reasons why I've grown my business to the level it's at now so quickly. I'm giving you my number one success tip in this week's video!

Are you ready to grow your business? Get my FREE video training to build your roadmap to six-figures!

So much love and light,

Erica xx

Erica Carrico

About Erica

Erica Carrico is an International Life Purpose Coach, world traveler, adventure seeker, free spirit, and mommy of 2. 

Through coaching services, speaking, and writing, Erica helps holistic & spiritual professionals who are frustrated and stuck in the wrong career, discover their life purpose and start a soul-aligned business so they can finally earn a living doing what they absolutely love. What they were put on earth to do. 

Erica has a BS in Psychology, an MS in Nonprofit Management, life and career coaching certifications, 12+ years experience in business leadership and international recruitment, built a fully-booked soul-aligned business within a year, has traveled through over 50 different countries, and is obsessed with helping thousands of people all around the world live lives full of passion, purpose, freedom, and adventure. 

To follow more of Erica’s work, you can find her hanging out on FACEBOOKINSTAGRAM, and LINKED IN.

Frustrated and stuck in the wrong career?

Ready to find your life's purpose and start a business that's in alignment with what you were put on earth to do?

Check out my FREE masterclass to start planning your escape!!