How to Create a Personal Brand for your Business

How to Create a Personal Brand for your Business

How to Create a Personal Brand for your Business. When you're building your business, how do you stand out against your competition?



After helping countless women hit Six Figures in their business, I've seen the MAGIC that unfolds in their lives.

How To Price My Coaching Packages

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How To Price My Coaching Packages - Erica Carrico

Are you struggling to price your coaching packages or services?  

In this video I share exactly how to price your services, how to make sure you're not over or under-charging, when you should raise your prices, and also if you need to decrease them (yes, I said decrease!). 

I also share the exact price point I started at, and the different prices I jumped to as I grew my business. 

Now - Watch the video and see how to price your coaching packages so you can start earning money and finally have the impact you know you're destined to have!! xo

Huge love,


Ps. If you want to grow your business to $10K+ months, here is a soulful strategy you can use. It's how I built my business to consistent $10K months and how I help my clients do the same.

Tash’s 5 Consecutive $10K Months! {Client Interview}

Tash’s 5 Consecutive $10K Months! {Client Interview}

Tash came to me feeling like she was totally overworking, only earning a couple thousand a month in her business, and had no idea how to get off the hampster wheel doing #allthethings with minimal results.

How I QUIT MY JOB and Moved Into My Business Fulltime

How I QUIT MY JOB and Moved Into My Business Fulltime

Think you "don't have enough time" to start and build a business? Here I’m sharing how I QUIT MY JOB and Moved Into My Business Fulltime.

Step-By-Step: How I Grew My Business to Multiple Six Figures

Step-By-Step: How I Grew My Business to Multiple Six Figures

How did I grow my business to Multiple Six Figures in just 2 years?

Why I don't believe in "handling sales objections" + what I do instead!

Why I don't believe in "handling sales objections" + what I do instead!

Most business coaches and programs teach you how to "handle sales objections".

THE 3 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Have Income & Cash Flow Struggles

THE 3 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Have Income & Cash Flow Struggles

Let's face it, if we aren't earning money in our business, we don't have a business. We have an expensive AF hobby!

How Liz Earned Enough in her Biz to QUIT HER JOB! {Video Interview}

How Liz Earned Enough in her Biz to QUIT HER JOB! {Video Interview}

My client Liz, came to me with only an idea for a business. And together, we built it from scratch.

How to book 2-5 discovery calls each WEEK

How to book 2-5 discovery calls each WEEK

If you aren’t booking at least 2-5 discovery calls (potential client consultations), I shot this video from my heart to yours!

Leanne’s journey from 0 to 6 Paid clients!!

Leanne’s journey from 0 to 6 Paid clients!!

Today I'm sharing a chat I had with one of my incredible clients, Leanne and Leanne’s journey from 0 to 6 Paid clients!!

2 Reasons Why Your Business Isn't Growing

2 Reasons Why Your Business Isn't Growing

If your business isn't growing, if you feel like you're doing #allthethings and you're still stuck in 2nd gear, it's likely because of these 2 reasons!

The Small Business Sisterhood {Podcast Interview}

The Small Business Sisterhood {Podcast Interview}

I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to sit down with Pepper and join her on the Small Business Sisterhood Podcast!

Jasmine’s $100K in 10 Months {Video Interview}

Jasmine’s $100K in 10 Months {Video Interview}

Jasmine came to us with an unclear niche and a few clients. She has now made $100,000 since working with me in the last 10 months and is a Six Figure Coach!!

Melissa's Journey to $9K Months

Melissa's Journey to $9K Months

Want to see behind the scenes of a real journey to $9K months? Melissa is a former member of my 90-day program Soul Business Accelerator, and just a few months after she joined she started having $7K and $9K months.

The Cosmic Valkyrie {Podcast Interview}

The Cosmic Valkyrie {Podcast Interview}

I sat down with Lynn Louise to talk about limiting beliefs and helping soulful entrepreneurs build and up-level their businesses to ditch their 9-5's.

Shifter {Podcast Interview}

Shifter {Podcast Interview}

Are you looking for your soul purpose in life? Have you gone through tough times, learned lessons, and want to help others?

Oh My Heath … There’s HOPE! {Podcast Interview}

Oh My Heath … There’s HOPE! {Podcast Interview}

I spoke with Jana Short on a recent podcast episode of Oh My Heath… There’s HOPE!